INFO 205 Security I

The number one concern of computer professionals today continues to be information security. This course covers computer security skills required to identify threats, attacks and vulnerabilities. Hands-on labs include how to use cryptography, security technologies and tools. Learn about risk management, laws and regulations




Career Training


Winter, Summer




  1. Describe the fundamental concepts of confidentiality, integrity and availability as defined in the CIA triad using industry terminology
  2. Identify threat factor types and attributes, malicious software types, delivery methods of malware, prevention and troubleshooting malware to industry standard
  3. Discuss implementation of security applications, securing computer hardware, peripherals and mobile devices in a relevant manner as to industry standard
  4. Demonstrate securing the browser and other applications as to industry standard
  5. Define how and which secure network design implementation can protect network infrastructure to industry standard
  6. Describe honeypots, honeynets and how to protect data from Data Loss Prevention (DLP) to industry standard