Nursing Assistant Certified (NAC)
1 quarter CoT
Program Description:
The Nursing Assistant Program prepares students for employment as a nursing assistant under the supervision of professional licensed nurses. Upon successful completion, students are eligible to take the Washington State written and manual skills examination to become a Nursing Assistant Certified (NAC).
For program costs and fees refer to the catalog TUITION AND FEES PAGE.
- High School Diploma or GED Equivalent
- Proof of 2-MMR vaccines or positive titer
- Proof of 3-Hepatitis B vaccines (must have titer drawn) or started series
- TB Vaccination
- Proof of 2-vaccines Varicella Zoster (chicken pox) or positive titer
- T-DAP in the last 10 years
- Seasonal Flu shot
Program Learning Outcome
- Students will be eligible to take the Washington State written and manual skills examination to become a Nursing Assistant Certified (NAC) Degree