Digital Media

6 quarter AAS

This program offers a combinations of hands-on, hybrid, and online courses. See course descriptions for more information.

Program Description:

Digital media is a key component in film, television, video and website production, and encompasses a variety of projects, from filming and editing to digital animation and computer games. The constant implementation of new technology makes this a fast-moving field, a good fit for the student who seeks a career in a visual medium with leading-edge technology. Instruction includes production and editing software and the opportunity to achieve practical experience working on a variety of studio projects. Employment opportunities for digital media professionals include work as creative services editors, video editors and graphics editors for production studios, film companies, web design companies, advertising and multimedia companies. The program also provides extended learning opportunities for persons previously or currently employed in the industry.

For program costs and fees refer to the catalog TUITION AND FEES PAGE.

Program Learning Outcomes:

  1. Use industry standard digital media/multimedia hardware and software
  2. Create projects and presentations utilizing a variety of digital media/multimedia technologies
  3. Design and generate still imagery/graphics
  4. Design and generate video and/or animations in a multimedia project
  5. Solve industry-related problems
  6. Design and execute audio technology for a digital media/multimedia projects
  7. Use computer applications for digital media/multimedia projects
  8. Produce digital media/multimedia projects
  9. Demonstrate appropriate communication skills