BROAD 242 Content Delivery Systems
This course investigates and applies various content delivery methods, including Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) standards, live streaming, video on demand, and video over Internet provider (IP) systems.
CIP: 10.0202
EPC: 628
Cross Listed Courses
Students must have passed BROAD 111, 149, 150 with a minimum GPA of 2.0 in each class before enrolling in BROAD 242.
Students must take BROAD 242, 244, and 246 concurrently for degree pathway progress. Students must also take BROAD 234, 236, and 238 prior to or after taking BROAD 242, 244, and 246.
Winter, Summer
- Discuss various methods of content delivery.
- Discuss elements of the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) delivery system.
- Demonstrate live streaming to the Internet.
Area of Study:
Career Education
Instructional Mode:
Hybrid, In-person