CNST 214 Cyber Security
The Cybersecurity Essentials course covers foundational knowledge in all aspects of security in the cyber world, including information security, systems security, network security, mobile security, physical security, ethics and laws. It builds students’ skills in related technologies, procedures, defense and mitigation techniques used in protecting businesses
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
- Explain encryption techniques and access control techniques with an 80% or better score to industry standards
- Explain the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability as they relate to data states and cybersecurity countermeasures. With an 80%or better score to industry standards
- Explain the types of malware, malicious code and social engineering, with an 80% or better score to industry standards
- Name the technologies, products, and procedures used to provide high availability with an 80% or better score to industry standards
- Understand cybersecurity domains and controls
Area of Study:
Career Education
Instructional Mode: