Degrees and Certificates

Credentials of Completion

Bates Technical College provides academic general education transfer courses and professional and technical programs aligned with state policies and statewide agreements. Bates Technical College offers the following types of completion credentials.


  • The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) is awarded to students who satisfactorily complete programs that are 90 credits or moreincludes a core of 15 credits of college-level related instruction, and have earned a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 as calculated by the college.
  • The Associate of Applied Science – Transfer (AAS-T) degree is awarded to students who successfully complete programs that are 90 credits or moreincludes a core of 20 credits of college-level general education, and have earned a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 as calculated by the college.

The general education component of the transferable technical degree is to be comprised of not less than 20 credits of courses generally accepted in transfer. These 20 credits must include as a minimum the following: 5 credits in Communication English Composition; 5 credits in Quantitative Skills (any course from the generally accepted in transfer list with Intermediate Algebra as a prerequisite); 10 credits in Science, Social Science, or Humanities Courses selected from the generally accepted in transfer list including a course meeting the human relations requirement.

  • The Direct Transfer Associate Degree (DTA) and Major Related Program Degree (MRP) are awarded to students who have completed 90 credits or more and earned a cumulative grade point average of a 2.0 as calculated by the college, including 60 credits of which must be college-level general education courses distributed as follows: 

10 credits

Communication Skills

5 credits

Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning

15-20 credits


15-20 credits

Social Sciences

15-20 credits

Natural Sciences

15 credits maximum college-level courses determined by Bates Technical College and the remainder shall be fully transferable as defined by the receiving institution.



Associate in Apprenticeship Studies is designed to serve individuals completing approved apprenticeship programs at Bates Technical College. The degree option includes both general education requirements and the technical requirements of an apprenticeship program.  Content includes state-approved joint apprenticeship programs plans for four general education courses (20 credits) in human relations/social sciences, communications, and computation.  

Students must complete at least 6,000 clock hours on the job and at least 432 clock hours of apprenticeship-related instruction.  Courses completed at another institution may be transferable by approval of the college registrar.


  • Adult High School (HS+) is a competency-based high school diploma program for adult learners 18 and older who do not have a high school diploma or equivalency. Adults demonstrate competencies in reading, writing and math contextualized in science, history, government, occupational studies, and digital literacy.
  • Bates Technical High School is designed to serve students in high school age (i.e., 16-21 years old) completing their high school diploma while attending career training programsunder the supervision of the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s (OSPI) high school diploma regulations.
  • Bates Technical College High School Diploma may be issued to a student who is older than 21 years of age, upon written request from that student, and who earned their associate degree from the college.


A certificate is an award which may be earned by completion of the competencies and requirements for an occupational program. 

  • Certificate of Competency is at least 45 credits in length. Certificates that are 45 credit hours or more must include related instruction as a component. Completion requirements include: 
    • A minimum of 30 college-level career technical education credits as outlined in the college catalog
    • The completion of 15 credits of related instruction courses, 5 each in communication, computation, and human relations.
  • Certificate of Training is less than 45 credits in length. Certificates less than 45 credit hours in length do not necessarily include related instruction.


All for-credit degrees and certificates adhere to the requirements and policies established and outlined by the State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, and the Intercollege Relations Commission Handbook.


Grade Point Average and Residency Requirements

To graduate with a credential from Bates Technical College:

  • A student must have a cumulative college-level grade point average of no less than a 2.0.
  • A student must achieve “residency” at Bates Technical College, meaning that a minimum number of credits must be earned at Bates Technical College for a student to earn their credential from the college.

To meet residency, the student must earn minimum of:

  • Twenty (20) college-level credits at Bates Technical College, or 
  • Twenty-five (25) percent of the credits applicable to the credential at Bates Technical College.